TheraSpecs Giveaway – and the Winner is…… …
Yes, we have a winner in the TheraSpecs “Looking on the Bright Side” Giveaway!
And the winner of an indoor pair and an outdoor pair of TheraSpecs is … Joseph Sarrapere!
Congratulations, Joseph!
Here’s what Joseph wrote:
The most helpful person to ever help me with a migraine was a journalist whose name I forgot. Thought I forgot her name, her way of looking at her conditions and accepting them was inspirational to me. She talked about how her migraines were a part of her that she simply had to accept. It helped me understand my own experiences in a new light. I started seeing the bizarre migraine version of reality as an experience in itself, and began incorporating it into my own writing.
Excellent! Joseph, please let me know if you would prefer the wrapframes or over prescription frames, and we’ll get your prize to you ASAP.
Good News for Everyone Else!
I have even more good news! I’ve been talking with Hart at the TheraSpecs Company, and he has agreed to make a special offer available to readers of this site. That’s right, you can still get a bonus, even if your name isn’t Joseph Sarrapere! 🙂
Yeah, so I love giving away stuff. Can you blame me? 🙂
So here’s what you have to do to get what Hart calls “the biggest discount we’ve ever given on TheraSpecs”. Simply email me here (and only here) and you’ll receive the details, and a special coupon code to use.
Congratulations, Joseph – and everyone else! 🙂
20 December 2012 @ 5:20 pm