Visual Snow Study – Volunteers Needed
Visual Snow (VS) has (thankfully) been the topic of more and more conversation lately. Earlier this year, a presentation at the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting on visual snow was entitled Visual Snow: a New Disease Entity Distinct from Migraine Aura.
Sure, it’s different from migraine aura – but what is it?
We’ve talked about visual snow before, and the comments following the posts have taken the discussion further. Read Persistent Migraine Aura and Visual Snow? and Visual Snow and Persistent Migraine Aura – tests and treatments.
Now researchers are trying to delve further into the mysteries of VS – exactly what is happening in the body that makes VS happen?
Leading the research is neurologist and headache specialist Dr. Peter J. Goadsby, director of the UCSF Headache Center. He is working along with Dr. Christoph Schankin, also at the UCSF.
I believe at the moment they are looking for people willing to do a phone interview. If you’re dealing with VS, please take the time to email the research team, and push forward our knowledge of this little understood (and little treated!) condition.
Email the VS research team at
Jen Ambrose
30 July 2012 @ 7:45 pm
Dr. Goadsby and Dr. Schankin from UCSF are 100% committed to this research, and are very motivated to help find the cause and hopefully a treatment plan.
To participate in this Visual Snow study you must:
1) Suffer from 24/7 visual snow
2) live in the U.S.
3) Be willing to travel to San Francisco for testing
4) complete a short, very simple phone interview to determine if you are eligible
5) Must be between the ages of 18 – 55
Contact details for the study can be found on or contact the doctors directly at
These doctors 100% believe in this condition, and that is a great comfort to many patients.
matthew shepherd
7 January 2015 @ 7:08 am
hi are there any studies like this going on in the UK that you are aware off