Website Updates, and Special Reminders (and thanks!)
As I mentioned recently on social media, and as you can probably see for yourself, there have been some major changes to the inner workings of Headache and Migraine News. The site should now be a LOT more mobile friendly, and should respond almost like a modern website should. 🙂
As many of you know, Headache and Migraine News is run by one person with limited time and funds (and sometimes limited health!), and since it’s been running 24/7 since 2004 (!), it’s easy for it to start getting pretty creaky around the joints. The work toward updating things, and also some personal issues, have meant that there have been fewer posts here lately. But hopefully we’ll gradually get things working smoothly.
Thanks again to the thousands of people from all over the world who visit regularly, both here and on social media, and a special thanks to those who comment and share and sometimes let me know about mistakes and typos! Speaking of which, let me know if the site is or ISN’T working well for you after the most recent updates. Just leave a comment below.

Also, be sure to respond to the poll in the right side bar if you haven’t already (just click here to go to the site if you’re not there). Diet and migraine has always been an important theme here, and it is a developing news story that we need to talk about in the near future.
Also, remember that you can sign up for the free e-zine HeadWay, which is also a special community of people who have a special access to influence the direction of this blog. Oh, and just for fun – the random post link is back in the right sidebar – who knows, you might learn something useful! 🙂

There is still a lot to do in our fight against migraine – let’s not stop fighting!