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  1. Bryan
    16 September 2011 @ 10:06 am

    I take a list of all meds that I am currently taking.
    I also take a list of headaches I have had between the last appt and the current day. Another important thing I take is a list of all talking points I want to get across. That way the doc doesn’t leave the room until I address everything I need to, even if they try and tiptoe around answers or cut time short.


  2. Kristen
    11 October 2011 @ 10:33 pm

    I make sure to arrive early. The worst thing that could happen is that my doctor cuts me short because I am late. I make sure my medication is up to date, including not only the names but also the dose and when I take each. I always bring my headache list. My doctor also wants to know how many times in the last three months: I missed school/work, I was less able to do housework, I was less able to function at school/work, and that I missed social events. She also wants to know how many hours of sleep I get each night, whether or not I feel rested, what my average pain level is and whether that pain level has increased or decreased since my last visit.

    I personally find it helpful to note what treatments I used for each migraine attack, and whether there was any trigger I noted (such as today’s cold front moving through the area). I am sure to note not only which prescription medications I use for each migraine, but which OTC medications I use to help ensure that I am not overusing any medication. Keeping detailed records also helps my doctor see if I am treating my headaches appropriately.

    The more information I can bring to the appointment, the more informed my doctor will be when she recommends a course of treatment.


  3. Mimi
    22 May 2015 @ 8:07 am

    I use my smartphone with a dedicated calendar to record when, trigger, intensity etc. easy for her to view.


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