Eye Redness and Headache
What does it mean when you have eye redness and headache? Answering the question quickly was my challenge. Here’s my first try at a quick tip feature which I would like to do regularly here at Headache and Migraine News…
What does it mean when you have eye redness and headache? Answering the question quickly was my challenge. Here’s my first try at a quick tip feature which I would like to do regularly here at Headache and Migraine News…
7 January 2013 @ 12:48 pm
RT @migraine_blog: Eye Redness and Headache: What does it mean when you have eye redness and headache? Answering… http://t.co/eUodbv8c
7 January 2013 @ 12:52 pm
RT @migraine_blog: Eye Redness and Headache: What does it mean when you have eye redness and headache? Answering… http://t.co/eUodbv8c
7 January 2013 @ 2:58 pm
I often get blood shot eyes on the inside (towards the bridge of my nose) before and/or after a migraine, but doesn’t happen every time.
8 January 2013 @ 5:34 am
The tip is good and to the point, but I have just got to comment about the picture. Really scared me when it first popped up. Something about the contrast between the dark colour of most of the image and the bright red of the eye reminds me of a picture of a character off a vampire movie. Was not expecting it at all.
But, yeah, the idea of a quick tip feature is a good one. Would be really useful.
8 January 2013 @ 8:40 pm
Yes, it is a little startling, isn’t it? I’ll try to keep the next one vampire-free. 😉
12 January 2013 @ 4:38 pm
I call them getting my “martian eyes.”
1 February 2013 @ 6:27 am
I have a bloodshot left eye right now as I am writing (like that of Nicole, the first commenter). The left side of my neck feels stiff and my left hand has some tingling feeling…Ah, there comes the headache. I’ll be in my dark room.
14 February 2018 @ 2:30 am
The sclera of my eye will go red but not as deep as that picture. The skin area around my eyes , eyelids, under the eye almost to cheek bone but not quite. Eye sinks into my head . I know I am in for a migraine. When the eyebal itself becomes red, which happens last. The headache has arrived. Never had an aura.. getting three monthly injections of botox has helped with severity. Got them every day. Relied on pain relief. Botox helped with frequency but still get headaches everyday that are not migraine ,take pain relief for them as last resort. Thank God for my dark room. But the migraine hat , have 3 wear them for all headaches.. They help a lot
Plus warm feet, cold head, dark room .