Hot/Cold Therapy: cheap
We’ve all seen those heating/cooling pads. You can put them in the microwave or freezer, and cool/warm your head or neck or whatever you want. The executive models even include essential oils or other goodies that can help alleviate a headache.
Last year blog came out with some great tips for making your own pad for a lot less than you’d pay at the store. The beauty of this approach is that you can custom-make it. You know what will be the most help to you – and you might even be able to afford to experiment a little.
I do recommend herbs and essential oils. Here are some of the oils that are most used for headache. Personally, I’m a fan of lavender.
Some people like to have two pads, so they can alternate hot and cold. See what works best for you. Here are the tips! (Thanks to Lifehacker)
25 January 2007 @ 4:37 pm
That doesn’t sound strange at all. As a matter of fact, a lot of biofeedback treatment for migraine is based around warming your hands during an attack.
25 January 2008 @ 3:42 pm
Regarding hot and cold, not really a comment but a question: Does any else experience cold hands during a migraine attack? I am usually very warm-blooded but during a migraine my hands are freezing!
11 September 2012 @ 12:10 pm
I do that all the time, the heat makes me want to throw up and the cold doesn’t seem to do anything to me anymore. I had the worst migraine ever last night and absolutely nothing worked. I even took vikodine and it didn’t work like its supposed to. I tried massaging my head and hands, I tried putting a cold pack on my hands and forehead, I even tried a heater pillow my mom has for her back and put it on my forehead and hands. Nothing worked!!! I went to my gynecologist when I had a migraine and my blood pressure was 144/66. That is pretty high for a 19 year old chick. I didn’t feel any better until after I threw up. lol