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  1. James
    25 January 2007 @ 4:37 pm

    That doesn’t sound strange at all. As a matter of fact, a lot of biofeedback treatment for migraine is based around warming your hands during an attack.


  2. Angie
    25 January 2008 @ 3:42 pm

    Regarding hot and cold, not really a comment but a question: Does any else experience cold hands during a migraine attack? I am usually very warm-blooded but during a migraine my hands are freezing!


  3. Ashley Phipps
    11 September 2012 @ 12:10 pm

    I do that all the time, the heat makes me want to throw up and the cold doesn’t seem to do anything to me anymore. I had the worst migraine ever last night and absolutely nothing worked. I even took vikodine and it didn’t work like its supposed to. I tried massaging my head and hands, I tried putting a cold pack on my hands and forehead, I even tried a heater pillow my mom has for her back and put it on my forehead and hands. Nothing worked!!! I went to my gynecologist when I had a migraine and my blood pressure was 144/66. That is pretty high for a 19 year old chick. I didn’t feel any better until after I threw up. lol


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