The hard work I put into the website, blog and ezine has been worth it – and the proof is in the feedback I’ve gotten. Actually, it wasn’t long before I started getting emails that told me I wasn’t alone in my frustration with misinformation and missing information about migraine and headaches:
- Thanks again James, it is nice to know that there is some research out there to back up my personal theories and more over, back up these theories to my family and friends who have been supportive, but don’t get any kind of headache, sensitivity or visual disturbances and absolutely can not relate … Your efforts are much appreciated! (Sandra, Canada 2004)
- Just to say that I am really happy that I have found a site that I can relate to. I have migraines for 15 years now (they begun with my pregnancy) … (Gordana, Croatia 2004)
- I wanted to touch base with you about the wonderful website. I have a 15 year old son Bradley who has been suffering from migraines since October. I have been tracking these headaches since then and May has been an unbearable month for him. Your section on weather related migraines has proven to be so helpful… (Kathy, Canada 2004)
- I just wanted to thank you for the information relating the thyroid to migraine sufferers. I have been dealing with both for years now. While some doctors won’t even talk to me about the connection … (2005)
- I wanted to thank you for your Headway issues. It’s nice to know that someone is trying to help those of us who suffer from migraines. Your efforts are appreciated! Your information is helpful and its nice to know I’m not alone. Thanks and God Bless you!!! (Sandy 2006)
Emails like those are enough to motivate anyone to keep going! And, as I said in the last section, it’s great to hear from people that are no longer getting headaches or migraine attacks!
It was also great to start to meet and sometimes partner with specialists all over the world, most of whom I met through the website. Take for example Dr. David Leader who shared with us on dental issues, Dr Michael Kricken of Canada and the interview on chiropractic treatment, Dr. Marc Gotkine a neurologist from Israel who wrote on lupus headache. I heard from Dr. Alexander Mauskop of the New York Headache Center, and Dr Klaus Podoll who was studying migraine and creativity.
I also appreciated connections with others who were advocates and researchers, such as fellow bloggers. In 2008 I was honoured to be one of the resources on migraine mentioned by the New York Times migraine blog, and also to be a recommended resource in the excellent new Migraine Expressions book.
In early 2006, was honoured by Site Build It! after becoming one of the top 1% most visited sites on the net! In 2008 the news service Reuters started using posts from this blog as a special health feature.
But still, my favourite people are my fellow headache and/or migraine patients, who are not giving up.
Today and tomorrow…
Plans for the future? Well, believe it or not, even after hundreds of pages of articles there is still a lot to be written. We’re constantly learning more about the body and the brain, pain, headaches, migraine – all these things that you need to know to fight headache and migraine. I have some great plans for more resources that will help you (and me!) in my fight, if God allows me the time.
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Today I’m in Mexico City, studying here with my wife and two kids. Do I still have migraine? Well, as you know there is still no known cure. But that doesn’t mean we can’t minimize – or even end – attacks in many people. I’m still looking for that solution. It may be a month, or a year, or more, but I’ll keep looking.
Meanwhile, there’s lots to learn about living with migraine – dealing with the 1001 things in life with the added challenge that many people don’t understand.
I hope you’ll join me in the fight. Sign up for HeadWay, subscribe to the news feed. Leave your comments, and we may just find that solution together!