Menstrual Migraine: Back to Vitamin E
Menstrual migraine is debilitating and difficult to treat. The best treatment to stop a menstrual migraine in its tracks seem to be the triptan drugs, though different triptans work better for different people.
A recent study (released on January 15th) entitled The effect of vitamin E on the treatment of menstrual migraine studied just that – is vitamin E useful in treating menstrual migraine?
This was the plan of attack: Try vitamin E softgels (400IU) two days before and three days after menstruation. Did it help?
Yes, it helped some. Particularly with certain symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and noise, and nausea.
We also recently talked about vitamin E as an antioxidant, when we discussed the link between migraine and the mitochondria. Vitamin E might just be a rising star in migraine treatment.
Though this probably won’t replace medications in most patients, it may be just what you need to get some of the worst symptoms down to a manageable level. It’s an inexpensive supplement. Talk to your doctor about trying Vitamin E along with your current migraine-fighting strategy.
Read more about menstrual migraine here. Nature’s Way has quality vitamin E sotfgels like the ones used in the study.