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    25 January 2008 @ 1:30 am

    i have been suffering migraines for the last 9yrs.
    they’v now reached a new level of pain!!!!
    but i have noticed that when ever i go into a supermarket, i get very wobley on my legs & feel as if im going to pass out!
    i rush in grab my shopping & rush out ,in minimum time!
    i’v always thought the lights caused it but no-one ever believed me!
    so, i was correct about the lights all al long?
    thank you>
    but what do i do now? sun glasses dont work either! i’v tryed it!
    thanx maria


    • Lena Welch
      12 September 2012 @ 8:11 pm

      Hey Maria – try different tints of sunglasses (it may be a certain wavelength of light that is the problem) and try wearing a brimmed hat to block out the flickering from overhead.


  2. James
    25 January 2008 @ 9:52 am

    Hi Maria,

    There may be more than one reason why the supermarket bothers you. I wonder if it could also have to do with the odours, or maybe chemical cleaners that are used.


  3. LA Hauer
    12 September 2012 @ 6:33 pm

    The SFL’s can cause issues. Every time I’m around one for too long, I get a migraine. However, for me at least, the LEDs are just as bad.


  4. LA Hauer
    12 September 2012 @ 6:34 pm

    No idea why it did that. Sorry folks


  5. Lena Welch
    12 September 2012 @ 8:09 pm

    I wrote an article a long time ago about fluorescents. Check out

    The summary is, I do use them in some lights. I need the lights to have a shade that will change the tint to a more yellow hue. I have had huge problems with the commercial fluorescents used in commercial buildings. My eyes and my head hurt. When my old work switched, people who never got migraines started having problems… don’t think that one was a coincidence. CFLs seem to cause less problems. They can cause “sunburn” when used in close proximity, I don’t recommend using them for a task lamp or desk light. In some populations they raise the risk of problems like migraines.

    So, try one. See what happens. Also, beware of LEDs being the next greatest thing. I have big problems with certain colors of LED holiday lights. They dance for me.


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