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  1. Linda Waldron
    30 July 2013 @ 10:54 pm

    Absolutely. Much like warnings of an impending heart attack, women’s symptoms are very different from that of a man…I would think it would be the same for migraines as well. Additionally, women are easily “dismissed” as it being “psychosomatic” in nature. I know this for a fact, as I know several men who have been treated successfully for migraines, where we are just “hormonal,” etc. I realize this is NOT the case across the board, and many people do receive good medical treatment. It’s just so difficult to find and be taken seriously. The end result is loss of quality of life.


  2. Julie Hindle-Cushen
    31 July 2013 @ 2:23 am

    ditto with everything Linda said!


  3. Elizabeth
    31 July 2013 @ 5:45 pm

    My fiancé and I both have migraines. His are chronic and severe. As a young male, he is usually seen as drug seeking, even though many opiates make it worse. He is often dismissed as being hungover even though he doesn’t ever take a sip of alcohol or that he is seeking attention. Not many take his migraines seriously. Watching his experiences, I find it hard to believe that women are treated any better or worse than he has been. Maybe different expectations and stigma, but I think just as many. in fact, I often feel that so much of the migraine conversation gets focused on women that he gets ignored. Certainly advertising is focused on women. Sometimes its almost as if it is considered a woman’s disease. I don’t know what more hoops he will have to jump through, but its pretty horrible on top of already having such immense chronic pain almost every day. Of course I am the one talking about his pain right now rather than him talking about it. So indeed phaps men aren’t getting the treatment they need but for different reasons. I am not saying women have it better by any means. Just saying…


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