What’s New With Galcanezumab (Emgality)? (You Might Qualify For These Trials)
Emgality, also known as galcanezumab, is a CGRP inhibitor for both migraine and cluster headache, is the subject of a lot of study right now, and you may qualify to be involved.

For migraine, galcanezumab is taken once a month, as a preventative. For cluster headache, it is also taken once a month at the start of and during a cluster period. Although most people aren’t fans of injections, the fact that injections are so far apart is certainly a selling point.
But now galcanezumab is being tested for other conditions. Most notably, vestibular migraine, small fiber neuropathy, and fibromyalgia.
The vestibular migraine study is a study in the USA for adults with vestibular migraine or probably vestibular migraine. You can check out the details and see if you qualify here: Galcanezumab for Vestibular Migraine
The second study covers both small fiber neuropathy and fibromyalgia, and is also in the USA. Find out if you qualify here: Anti-CGRP for Inflamation and Pain Modulation in Small Fiber Neuropathy/Fibromyalgia
Researchers also continue to investigate the general function of galcanezumab, including further studies to see how it works with migraine. Other general studies you may qualify for include:
- Novel Insight Into Migraine Pathophysiolgy and Galcanezumab Mechanisms of Action (looking for adults with migraine)
- A Study of Galcanezumab (LY2951742) in Adult Participants With Episodic Migraine (CHALLENGE-MIG) (adults with migraine)
There are also a couple of studies happening for teens and children:
- A Study of Galcanezumab (LY2951742) in Participants 6 to 17 Years of Age With Episodic Migraine (REBUILD-1)
- A Study of Galcanezumab (LY2951742) in Participants 12 to 17 Years of Age With Chronic Migraine (REBUILD-2)
For more information on Emgality in general, as well as savings programs, visit their official US site here. For Canadian patients, a pdf summary here. England, Scotland and Wales information here.