Migraine Live – CBS 2 Reporter Serene Branson
Reporting on the Grammys, CBS 2 Reporter Serene Branson was on live TV when something went very wrong. She started slurring her words, and was no longer making any sense.
She sat down, crying and confused – what had happened? Her right cheek went numb, then her right hand – obviously something was very wrong.
The video quickly went viral, and people were concerned. Was it a stroke? Some of the signs were there.
But doctors now believe it was migraine attack.
Actually, these symptoms aren’t as rare as you might think. What was rare, of course, was that Branson was on live TV when it happened!
However, Branson is certainly not the first public figure to experience similar symptoms. Also in the USA, Senator David Long woke up with numbness on one side of his body, and was diagnosed with a minor stroke. But it turned out that it was actually a migraine attack.
Both these people did the right thing – they immediately had their symptoms checked out.
Anyone who has experienced symptoms like this can at least relate in a small way to Branson, although most of us haven’t had an attack like that on-air. She described the experience afterwards:
“I knew something wasn’t right as soon as I opened my mouth. I hadn’t been feeling well a little bit before the live shot. I had a headache, my vision was very blurry. I knew something wasn’t right, but I just thought I was tired.
So when I opened my mouth, I thought, ‘This is more than just being tired. Something is terribly wrong.’ I wanted to say, ‘Lady Antebellum swept the Grammys.’ And I could think of the words, but I could not get them coming out properly.
They sat me down immediately. I dropped the microphone. Right after that, my cheek went numb, my hand went numb, my right hand went numb and I started to cry. I was scared. I didn’t know what had gone on and I was embarrassed and fearful.”
Our thoughts are certainly with Serene Branson as she gets back to work. Thankfully she has gotten some answers and treatment.
Watch this video to hear Serene Branson’s own report of the event.
24 February 2011 @ 12:21 pm
Actually, those kinds of symptoms aren’t that common. Less than one percent of the population has migraine symptoms that mimic stroke activity. While I’m sorry this woman had this happen to her, I’m glad people–and doctors–have an opportunity to see migraines aren’t just about flashing lights and headaches. I have a similar migraine condition and kept getting misdiagnosed for years. Most doctors aren’t familiar with less common migraine auras. Maybe this will help.
26 February 2011 @ 1:54 pm
Thanks for the comment!
I admit I was not being very precise when I said that the symptoms “aren’t as rare as you might think”. Often times we use the words “rare” and “common” differently depending on the context.
My point really, behind the phrase, was that a lot of the news made it sound like this was an unheard of, bizarre, form of migraine. That’s not exactly the case.
For example, if 1% of the population has similar migraine symptoms, that would be 1 in a hundred. Chances are, if you have two hundred friends on Facebook, you might have one or two with similar symptoms.
So this is not an extremely rare thing that no one ever has to worry about except a few poor outcasts. In reality, practically everybody knows somebody – not only with migraine, but with some “strange” symptoms beyond the typical headache. Therefore, it’s not a curiosity to read about and then forget about, it’s something everyone needs to be aware of.
That being said, I don’t want to minimize these symptoms by saying something like,”Oh, that’s nothing… lots of people have those symptoms”. Even if that were true, they’re still scary when you experience them.
But the reality is, like you say, most people aren’t aware of these symptoms, including a lot of doctors. We need to make people aware, and help people know they’re not alone, while confirming that many people still do not understand.
27 February 2011 @ 9:47 am
Hello James
I occupy a high level position in the state of Georgia an wish to remain anonymous at this time, but thought my story might me helpful to your readers.
Just this week I spent two night and three day in a hospital trying to rule out if I was subject to having a Stoke. I must tell you having a stroke was not even in my thought process after driver a hundred miles into Atlanta, but not feeling one hundred percent. By the time I got to my Neurologist’s office, I was numb in my left leg, left arm, and left side if my head.
The Neurologist was fearful that these may be per signs that a stroke may be forthcoming. He said I could have a stroke within hour left untreated and must be check out ASAP.
After ever test know to modern medicine, I check out of the hospital with little more information than that which I was admitted with other that the fact that I was not going to have a Stroke.
For years I have coped with occasional numbs or off balance, dizziness and some blurred visions, an but never all at the same time. This is another interest fact. THERE ARE NO HEADACKS! The day after being released from the hospital during an eye exam I was unable to speak. Now I am have Stroke and Seizure like symptoms final diagnosed NON MANIFESTING MINGRAINES that I have been living with untreated for year because the symptoms never got to this levels.