Will Botox work for you?
This month Dr David Dodick reported that Botox didn’t work as well as all the hype said it would. Botox is one of the latest and hottest treatments for migraine, but when he tested 355 patients with Botox and a placebo over 11 months, he didn’t find the amazing improvements you might expect. Well, for most people he didn’t. But there was a small group that did improve – their attacks were less frequent and less severe – exactly what you might hope.
Who was this group? It was the group that was the worst off – the ones who had the most migraine attacks, the worst migraine attacks, and the ones who had to take more medicine to find relief. The more chronic and painful your migraine attacks, the more you may benefit from Botox treatment. For more, read this article on Botox migraines treatment.
13 January 2012 @ 1:00 pm
I have severe complex migraines, most everyday. Botox is the only thing that takes away the migraines. Every 3month I get them at Johns Hopkins headache center in Baltimore, MD. It last for 2month and then migraines become stronger and stronger. I has change my life.