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  1. Stephanie
    4 December 2020 @ 2:58 pm

    wow that is really dismissive and insulting.
    I’ve been on three different CGRP antagonists at this point. I started number 3- an infusion- a month and 4 days ago. I work out like crazy, I eat properly- veggies and healthy lean meats. I have had a full blood panel run which shows I’m super healthy! I’ve spoken to my Dr who discouraged me from restricting my caloric intake because of my workouts. AND YET, I’ve gained 30lbs in about a year and a half. Not an insignificant amount. And let me be clear: this is about the belly fat accumulating despite my best efforts around my mid section and less about the actual poundage since I do understand that muscle weighs more than fat.

    What I appreciate hearing is ‘gosh we don’t know’ NOT, ‘why not learn some healthy habits’
    That’s a real f you in the face of someone who’s already dealt with a chronic condition (and in my case manages to work around it)for a long period of time.


    • James
      11 December 2020 @ 10:29 am

      Hi Stephanie!

      Thanks so much for this comment. It was certainly not my intention to come across that way. I wrote “of course” because I was assuming that we all already know that healthy habits can help. I wasn’t trying to be condescending by acting like someone had never thought of learning healthy habits for weight loss!

      In fact, I’m very aware of what you’re saying – there are so many who have tried so many of the “normal” ways to lose weight, and nothing has worked. This is a very complex issue.

      And so I very much appreciate you bringing it up again. We all need to be reminded that weight gain is not necessarily a result of a “lack of self control” or being a “couch potato”. We need to keep working together to be healthy (and yes, you can be healthy at a higher weight or a lower weight!) and to find good solutions.


  2. Tessa
    8 January 2021 @ 12:36 pm

    We all need to be reminded that weight gain is not necessarily a result of a “lack of self control” or being a “couch potato”. We need to keep working together to be healthy (and yes, you can be healthy at a higher weight or a lower weight!) and to find good solutions.

    The inability to accept people at their weight regardless… you just insulted everyone not working as hard as you judge…
    First, we don’t “all” need to be reminded… nor do we all “need” to keep working together.. let me give you a template for future correspondence with the words “we” should not be used.. writing an article and addressing a collective “we” is actually offensive to most people. While it’s doubtful that was your intent, you just managed to dig yourself a deeper hole. I believe what you meant to say is “ Data is unproven for weight gain or loss at this time, so maintaining vigilance if possible if weight gain or loss is a problem for you. “ otherwise you will sound like a misogynistic idiot with an axe to grind which loses all credibility.


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