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  1. Cindi Rehman Matejcek
    27 March 2013 @ 9:09 pm

    I have just started botox treatments…too early to know if it’s helping


  2. chris
    28 March 2013 @ 5:22 am

    Very important and good post! If you want to ascertain if you have muscle involvement with migraine – your diary well indicate more morning migraines, either waking up with the problem or after washing/showering (automatic use of corrugator muscles to stop water, soap and shampoo into eyes), you will probably have bruxism (waking up with headache/migraine) Botox made me realise that muscle involvement was the major trigger of my migraine and it also made me realise that I needed to find another way to relax my face muscles without botox – this I did – we are in control of our face muscles we just need to learn how to do it. I still have migraine of course but 90% of the last 9 months pain free – no painkillers/triptans – after 30 years of hell 10 of which were chronic.


  3. Cary Woodruff
    28 March 2013 @ 4:00 pm

    In a month and a half I will try it. Can’t wait!


  4. Mindy
    22 May 2014 @ 2:05 pm

    Great information. I just received botox injections for migraines two days ago. Had migraine at office. When doctor injected into the right temple area it was really sensitive. But, I could feel a slight relief almost immediately. Some if the areas of injections, 31 in all are a bit tender. Praying for a big relief with the botox. But it is only my first time. Like to here from anyone else who has also just received there first round. Mindy


  5. Mike
    7 June 2014 @ 10:28 am

    Hi Mindy,
    I just had my first series of Botox injections for my migraines about 12 days ago. Other than the slight discomfort of actually getting the needles it was painless. So far I have no relief (I have an ice pack tensor bandaged to my forehead as I type this). My neurologist did say that I may need to have 2 or 3 treatments before I see any results. I am willing to try anything at this point, I also take an antidepressant and was taking tramadol to relieve the headache pain. However my psychiatrist said I should discontinue the tramadol as it could cause seizures with the Effexor. So I stopped. However on the worst of days I take 2 tramacets anyways. I get some relief from the daily pain of the migraines. Now they have switched me to Prozac so hoping to go back on the tramadol when I see the shrink this week. By the way, the Effexor withdrawal is hellish. This drug should be banned as an anti depressant!


  6. Debi
    10 June 2014 @ 6:12 am

    I am going for my 1st round of injections next week. I am excited & nervous! I have suffered w/ migraines for 37 years so any relief will be much welcomed. Any advice on what to expect? The office is about 30 – 40 min from my home, so should I have someone to drive me home (blurred vision)?


  7. DesertRosec
    15 August 2014 @ 12:13 pm

    Chris, am curious to know what you did and how please?


  8. David Hawkins
    24 March 2016 @ 8:39 am

    I never realized that there are so many safety precautions to consider when using Botox. I think the best tip on here is the one about only allowing a trusted professional to inject Botox into you. I’ve actually been heavily considering the treatment and I’ll have to make sure I’m following all your awesome tips. Thanks for the great information!


  9. Anne Rebecca Randolph
    14 November 2017 @ 8:28 pm

    I have been doing botox injections for about a year! They seem to be helping! I had a fall in Sept. of 2015. Had severe concussion which have caused my headaches./migraine have had headache daily since. Take cymbalta, topamax and just starting tramadol on a as needed basis. My Dr says some injection months are better than others. I do notice relief headaches are not as intense on a daily basis.


  10. Callum Palmer
    19 December 2017 @ 4:18 pm

    These are some great suggestions; after all, while botox can be helpful, you want to make sure that it is administered by a professional. Your doctor should have a long, experienced history of giving botox treatment and should know your medical history as well. However, it is also imperative to remember that you need to alert your doctor immediately if you have any problems with the treatment.


  11. Linda Wattles
    29 September 2018 @ 10:30 am

    I had HORRIBLE effects after Botox for migraine! 9 weeks of hell, exhaustion, entire body pain and aches, eye drooping and discharge, nausea, headaches, blurred vision, etc. Be careful!


  12. Emily Bennette
    25 November 2020 @ 11:43 pm

    This is some really good information about botox safety. Thanks for explaining that it would be smart to give the doctor your medical history. That is good for me to know because I want to get a professional to help me with botox treatments. Especially with my first treatment.


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