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1 Comment

  1. Nikki
    7 April 2012 @ 2:43 am

    I have huge issues with sleep due to having fibromyalgia. In fact my first fibromyalgia symptom was insomnia and presented when I was a preteen. I survived on about four hours of sleep regularly, which became more difficult as a working adult. Fibromyalgia might also be the contributing factor to why my migraines have become chronic and difficult to treat. However, the sleep problems did become severe when combined with daily migraines. I developed regular sleep paralysis episodes and nightmares and was showing signs of sleep deprivation. I was getting regular episodes of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome in the mornings which usually occurs when I am sleep deprived. And I was getting a lot of midnight migraines, as in waking up in the middle of the night with a migraine, and morning migraines, waking up with a migraine. I loath those because they are already full blown acute migraines that are difficult to treat with a triptan as you are past that point where a triptan is most effective. So with FMS there is delayed onset insomnia and also issues with lack of deep sleep, so even if you sleep and sleep it is non-refreshing sleep. My doctor ended up putting me on Lyrica as a migraine preventative that might help with the FMS as a bonus and Zopiclone for a sleeping pill long term. It has helped a great deal. I get about five hours of good quality sleep a night now and far less morning migraines. Makes a big difference getting quality sleep.


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