Finally – The Migraine Barometer Returns!
It’s not just returning – it’s better than ever!
You can read all about it right here, and you can read about a typical use of the barometer here.
I really liked the old version of this barometer, and used it for years. But the new one is even better.
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First, it has the classic and most important feature – you can see barometric pressure changes over time at a glance. This allows you to see sudden rises and drops in pressure, which can indicate a coming migraine attack in many people.
But we do know that other weather changes can impact migraine – things like temperature and humidity. Unlike the old version, the new barometer shows at a glance the current temperature and humidity. It’s much more flexible, and you can set personalized alarms and buzzers and timers and memory – anyway, check out all the details here.
I set an introductory price that I hope to keep over the summer if I can before raising it to the normal price in the fall.
However, for pre-orders on or before June 1st, I’ve taken another 5% off of that and even discounted the shipping. I know many of you have waited a long time for these, so I want to give you the opportunity to get your barometer as quickly as possible.
Thanks to those who have already ordered! Enjoy your new barometer. I hope it takes you one step closer to total health.
21 May 2009 @ 1:47 pm
It is not clear to me how the barometer would help. I already take a preventative twice a day. If I get a headache anyway, I take a triptan and toradol. What would I do differently?
21 May 2009 @ 1:50 pm
The barometer isn’t for everyone. The idea is that it helps you confirm if your migraine attacks are weather-related, and how they are related to the weather. Some people are able then to “ambush” their migraine attacks by seeing the weather patterns when they first start. For more details, check here.
26 January 2010 @ 1:56 pm
I have been looking for this barometer for over a year. It is never in stock. Is there any place that carries it?
26 January 2010 @ 5:23 pm
We had it until recently, and expect it to be back in stock in just a few weeks. So stay tuned! 🙂
22 June 2010 @ 4:36 pm
Still out of stock. I have been checking for weeks. Maybe you need a new supplier?
23 June 2010 @ 6:24 am
Hi Liora,
It just recently came back in stock (June 2010), but there were only 100 units, so they sold out in a couple of weeks. We’re expecting a larger shipment soon. If you want to be notified when they’re available, check out this page, scroll down to the bottom and fill out the form.
28 November 2010 @ 10:32 pm
I would love to get once of these. I have suspected that my migraines are weather related. I get them anywhere from 24-48 hours before a storm. It would be cool to chart it to see if it is related to the barometric pressure or perhaps something else Everytime I come on here though, you are all sold out. Perhaps one day I will get lucky-smiles! Thanks for a wonderful product.
23 January 2018 @ 4:09 pm
Please tell me the SIZE of The Migraine Barometer, and is it easy to set up? Does it have to be connected to the outside? I am anxious to order one of these, but must know the answers to my questions first.
Thank you very much! 1/23/18
25 January 2018 @ 11:52 am
Thanks for your questions. The barometer can fit in the palm of your hand, but it will be bigger than your palm. It does take a few minutes to set up, but it’s not hard. No, you do not have to connect it to anything outside, it can sit on a shelf or table in your house. Hope that helps!