Status Migrainosus – when the attack doesn’t stop (graphic)

A person with migraine without aura
has a severe debilitating migraine attack
which lasts longer than 3 days.
Even after temporary relief from medication,
the symptoms remain.
Misdiagnosis is frequent. You may have…
- Headache from epilepsy
- Medication overuse headache
- Probable migraine without aura
- Other conditions & disorders
or are worse than ever.
Your doctor may recommend:
- An EEG
- An MRI
- dihydroergotamine mesylate (DHE)
- Magnesium
- corticosteroids
- valproate acid (also sodium valproate)
- sumatriptan
- dopamine antagonists
- hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
- other
A few more resources:
- Recurrent occipital seizures misdiagnosed as status migrainosus.
- Use of dopamine antagonists in treatment of migraine.
- Status Migrainous – The Basics
- Where is dihydroergotamine mesylate in the changing landscape of migraine therapy?
- Reversible MRI abnormalities in a patient with recurrent status migrainosus.
- Status Migrainosus Treatment
16 September 2013 @ 11:50 am
In this they keep saying “migraine without aura” what do they mean by this? How does the aura make a difference here?
I wonder because I have chronic painful aura migraines.
17 September 2013 @ 10:24 am
That awful writing is enough to give anyone migraine!
18 September 2013 @ 2:09 am
Not sure Darby. I know some believe a migraine is only a real migraine if it comes with an aura, which is not the case. You can also have very dibilitating migraines that last several days without an aura.