All-Time Highlights (2011 edition)
While we’re at it, let’s look at the most popular posts overall here at Headache and Migraine News.
Admittedly, I left out a few that aren’t as relevant anymore. But the vast majority are still current – so here they are, the top 10:
- Get a Headache after Working Out? You thought you were getting on the road to better health – but instead, you get a headache after working out. The irony is that many people want to exercise so that they get fewer headaches or migraine attacks. And suddenly it looks like the opposite!
- The NTI-tss device5 Signs You have Retinal Migraine A diagnosis of retinal migraine may be more and more common, but there’s still confusion over what exactly it is. There are five signs that you can use to tell if you have retinal migraine, but don’t miss the important warning at the end…
- Migraine and Magnesium – new study Is there a migraine magnesium connection? Could you lower your risk of a migraine attack by taking a magnesium supplement? A new study suggests that the answer is yes.
- Demerol for Migraine in the Emergency room If you end up in the emergency room here in North America, and you’re diagnosed with migraine, there’s a very good chance you’ll end up with an injection. That injection is usually something called Demerol, or meperidine hydrochloride. But is that the best way to go? [Note: That’s becoming a lot less common now – but that sparked a lot of discussion as you’ll see!]
- What is Migraine? (the scientific story) We talk a lot about migraine here, but it’s time to ask the basic question – what is migraine? Today we’re going to take a look at some cutting-edge research, and ask the question from a scientific point of view. When someone has a migraine attack, what exactly is going on? And what do we mean when we say someone has migraine?
- Symptoms of Abdominal Migraine The symptoms of abdominal migraine regularly confuse doctors. It’s surprisingly common in children, so it’s equally surprising that so many people have never even heard of it!
- First Migraine then Bloodshot Eye – What’s up? So you had what seemed to be a migraine attack. First migraine then bloodshot eye. A bloodshot eye? Is that a symptoms of migraine?
- DHE Migraine Treatment: Why some people still use it To get some background on DHE migraine treatment, we need to go back to the days before DHE, or dihydroergotamine, was used. It was actually in 1925 that the first migraine patient got an injection of ergotamine tartrate. It worked – stopping the migraine that just wasn’t going away.
- Is High Blood Pressure Causing My Headache? It seems intuitive that high blood pressure, or hypertension, would cause headache. After all, we often associate headaches with our blood vessels, especially headaches with pounding pain.
- Is a Deviated Septum giving you a headache? Recently I got an email from Scott, who had just been diagnosed with a "deviated septum". He has daily headaches, and was wondering if a deviated septum could be responsible.
I hope some of those are useful to you. Come back next year for more!
1 January 2012 @ 9:36 am
James, as always you keep us up to date and aware of what is going on out in the scientific world. Thanks so much for the list! Will catch me on some I missed!