Highlights from the past 3 Months (September 2011 edition)
These are some of the posts that have been popular with you over the past three months. Now I notice that the posts asking for your tips are getting a lot of attention – but very few people are sharing their tips! So click the link and give us some of your ideas. 🙂 Here’s the list, with the most popular posts listed first…
- I Call It Migraine
- Cardiovascualar System: More Links to Migraine?
- The Practical Pillow Podcast
- Probiotics: Fighting Migraine and More?
- Your Tips: Finding Darkness
- Recall of 60,912 Tylenol Extra Strength Caplets
- Feverfew and Ginger Combo for Migraine
- Your Tips: Out for the Day
- Want to fight Migraine? Just Show Up.
- Zelrix Migraine Patch NOT approved by FDA
23 September 2011 @ 11:18 am
I am cautious in dispensing advice as I feel a bit responsible for anyone taking it, whether they abuse it or not. However, I found my personal diet plan has helped greatly. it is not one I would dispense freely to just anyone. “Normal” people should not eat the way I do, but a sufferer who has no other route to try, it may be worth a test for a short period to see what happens. Remember, this is not a recommendation for the public as a whole, only exclusively sufferers with no options. Here goes: Go all raw as much as possible in leafy greens, vegetables and fruits. Lightly steam the rest, just until edible. Go for as rich of colors as possible, such as spinach, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli. No grains, with a rare exception of sprouted grain if MUST have some bread type food. Keep potatoes and really starchy veggies at minimum. Use beans as a meat alternative, and limit fats. If need fats use canola or olive oils or walnut oil. No dairy products, meat. Watch MSG in all its forms, they come in multiple names. Avoid all added sugar. That includes syrup, honey, etc that is disguised in many names as well. Within 24 hrs of doing this I dropped a lot of fluid retention and migraines are fewer. My skin is so clear now too. Supplements will fill in gaps in minerals and vitamins if any exist, but a varied diet of vegetables will cover much of needed nutrients. There, that is my contribution. Hope it helps, but always use caution when going extreme, as it requires knowing when to cut back. I also don’t eat much at one sitting, I space it out several times through the day. I prefer to eat my fruit by itself and as a treat, rather than a larger part of the daily intake.
24 September 2011 @ 10:28 am
Well, THANK YOU RHONDA!! I am going to try what you have recommended…do not feel responsible at all. It is my choice to do this. You have written it out in such a conscise and uncomplicated way…that is what appealed to me. You did not mention coffee, caffeine…I am going to assume you would avoid that as well. This is Sept. 24th, if all goes well, I will try it on the 26th…I will let you know if I have any success…thank you again!!! (Great opportunity for your followers to communicate James…thank you as well, and I have appreciated your blog time and again!!)
24 September 2011 @ 10:39 am
Sorry, I forgot the caffeine thing. I have a lot of chronic pain, so a bit of caffeine at times helps slightly. Thus I use it carefully. I cannot take painkillers, they make me very ill. So I have to resort to something different. I drink herbal teas, and decaf coffee, and some soda, though I think caffeine effects people differently. So I have no recommendation on it. Many days I avoid it, others I need it to even be able to load laundry into the washer. Too much caffeine has the opposite effect on me, so I had to experiment a lot to find that “perfect” balance.
24 September 2011 @ 10:43 am
Thanks….that helps Rhonda…I’m one of those that crawl out of bed a shreik…”cofffffeeeeeeee”!! I appreciate your quick response!!
24 September 2011 @ 10:48 am
There are so many conflicting articles about caffeine and studies show all kinds of results. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find I have to research these kinds of things for myself and see how it effects me. I hope doctors and scientists can find better ways and more accurate results for the next crop of migraine sufferers to come along. Uh-oh, now I’m craving blueberry herbal tea…heading to the kitchen..good luck!
23 September 2011 @ 12:10 pm
I have had severe migraine with aura for years. Botox- injections for migraines has done wonders. So far health- insurance has cover it, due to no other treatments worked anymore. I am under Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. I am open for clinical trials. I know they will start new ones soon.
24 September 2011 @ 10:41 am
I haven’t looked into Botox much, kind of waited to hear what others find out about it, but I have wondered about Accupuncture. Haven’t found someone locally who does it though.
24 September 2011 @ 4:56 pm
Thank you so much, Rhonda. How long before you started seeing results, beyond the initial 24 hr. fluid release? I have been working my way toward a similar approach — vegan since August and presently cutting back grains. I have weeks where I’ll feel the best I’ve felt in 15 years, followed by 10 days or so of feeling worse. I suspect this is detox. My skin is only now beginning to settle down.
All this is a shock to my poor old postmenopausal body, but I have
a lot of faith that the radical path is the way to go.
27 September 2011 @ 4:57 am
Well, I get more than one kind of migraine. The worst one I get is total blindness, total loss of mental abilities– I become like a newborn, not even able to recognize people or places and what is being said. This often has blood coming out my eyes and nose. I have not had a single one of those since the diet began..and that has been several months now. I still get the others, but lesser and more time between. I also feel a lot better generally, and lost a lot of weight. But remember, it is drastic, so be sure to use supplements if needed and visit the doctor for check-ups, as even though it is healthy foods, it would be easy to get imbalanced on certain nutrients. I take B-12 and such now and then to cover the bases, so to speak. Frankly, many foods I gave up, really were not good for me anyways–bread, doughnuts, candy, etc.