Your Symptoms/Special Abilities (poll results)
Our most recently completed poll question was: Which of the following symptoms (or special abilities!) have you experienced?

In this case, you were able to choose up to three answers. It’s interesting that some symptoms are indeed “special abilities”, such as being able to smell things before anyone else does. So – let’s look at the results.
The Three Winners
These three were almost tied (all about 18%), but here they are in order, starting with the top answer:
- Trouble speaking or writing or understanding words – this one is both a common symptom of migraine and also a symptom of some medications. A very big concern among migraine patients.
- Ringing in the ears – Tinnitus. Here’s a quick overview of tinnitus. There are medications that can cause tinnitus as well – talk to your doctor.
- Smelling things that no one else can smell – yes, surprisingly common. This does not necessarily mean the smell is a “hallucination” (although it could be). You could just be smelling something others don’t notice or can’t smell yet.
The Next Five
These didn’t make the top three, but were also very common.
- Very sensitive/painful skin (for no apparent reason) – technically called cutaneous allodynia, this is another one that can be a symptom and also made worse by medication. 13% reported this symptom.
- Numbness in part of your body – 10%. May be a symptom indicating a certain type of migraine.
- Feeling like things are out of proportion – such as Alice in Wonderland syndrome. Feeling like your arm is too long, or that objects are much farther away than they are, for example. 8% reported this symptom.
- Hearing things that no one else can hear – again, could be an auditory hallucination, or a actually specially sensitive hearing. 6% reported this one.
- Temporary partial or full blindness – this again may indicate a certain type of migraine (a type of migraine with aura). 5% experienced this.
Just Two More
Of course there are many symptoms that we could have mentioned, but here are two more that, although less common, do still affect many migraine patients.
- Out of body experiences – Another one that we’ve talked about before – join the discussion at Migraine and Out of Body Experiences. 3% of respondents.
- Hearing voices – a type of audio hallucination. 1% reported this, and you can discuss it here: Do You *Hear Voices* during a Migraine Attack?
An interesting list of experiences! What about you? Have you experienced any of the above, or do you have something to add? Leave a comment and keep the discussion going!