Posts of the Decade?
Everybody’s doing it. Everybody is looking back at the decade, so why can’t we? 🙂
Listing the most popular articles of the decade is a bit dangerous, because what is “popular” does not mean most important. It has a lot to do with the whims to search engines, and who happened to link to what. So sometimes “popular” posts over such a long period of time may be pretty niche.

But it’s still fun to see… so here we go! Most popular first:
- Aura Eye Symptoms – Have You Seen THIS?!: This is quite simply a quick discussion of visual aura. But aura can be so interesting/frightening/disabling that this post led to a host of comments and discussion. Check it out!
- Nortriptyline for Chronic Pain: Another post that generated a lot of discussion. You might also be interested in Topiramate + Nortriptyline (and another reason why treatment is not simple).
- Getting a Headache right after Drinking Alcohol?: We’re not talking about your typical hangover here. This is a headache that strikes within two or three hours of your first sip, and it’s not normal.
- Migraine and Histamine: Part 1: A deep dive into the topic, continuing of course in Migraine and Histamine: Part 2.
- Why You Should Ignore the “Daith Piercings for Migraine” Hype: Yep, this article. It certainly generated a lot of discussion, but we’re still waiting to see daith piercings become a widely accepted and studied treatment. If you have some scientific info to direct us to, please go to Daith Piercing for Migraine: Resources and Updates.
- Is Stevia giving me a Migraine Attack?: This generated a LOT of conversation, and the discussion was still going strong in 2019!
- Headache After Eating? Common Causes and Fixes: It may be common, but it shouldn’t be ignored. Here are some things to think about if this is regularly happening to you.
- Do Polarized Lenses make you dizzy, or give you headaches?: Some people do experience this, because people are reading and commenting.
- Aneurysm and Headache: 9 Ways to Know if I’m in Danger: There are times when you should get checked by a doctor right away. Take time to learn the warning signs! You might also want to check out Migraine vs Brain Aneurysm – Which is it?.
- Can I be Migraine-Free and still eat Cheese?: If you’re like me, and you love cheese, you’ll want to check this one out.
So there you go – 10 years! Thanks again for being a part of it. We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go in our fight against migraine and headache!
See you in 2020!